Research Methods Practice Questions



1.      What is a good research? The following are correct except


a)      Purpose clearly defined

b)      Research process detailed

c)      Research design thoroughly planned

d)      Findings presented ambiguously



2.      The researcher should never report flaws in procedural design and estimate their effect on the findings.


a)      True

b)      False



3.      Adequate analysis of the data is the least difficult phase of research for the novice.


a)      True

b)      False



4.      The validity and reliability of the data should be checked occasionally


a)      True

b)      False



5.      Researchers are tempted to rely too heavily on data collected in a prior study and use it in the interpretation of a new study


a)      True

b)      False



6.      Greater confidence in the research is warranted if the researcher is experienced, has a good reputation in research, and is a person of integrity


a)      True

b)      False



7.      A complete disclosure of methods and procedures used in the research study is required. Such openness to scrutiny has a positive effect on the quality of research. However, competitive advantage often mitigates against methodology disclosure in business research.


a)      True

b)      False



8.      Business research has an inherent value to the extent that it helps management make better decisions. Interesting information about consumers, employees, or competitors might be pleasant to have, but its value is limited if the information cannot be applied to a critical decision.


a)      True

b)      False



9.      Research is any organized inquiry carried out to provide information for solving problems.


a)      True

b)      False




10.  Business research is a systematic inquiry that provides information to guide business decisions. This includes the following except:


a)      Reporting

b)      Descriptive

c)      Explanatory

d)      Predictive studies




11.  Identify the style of thinking that is defined as “to devote observations and propositions based on sense experience and/or derived from such experience by methods of inductive logic, including mathematics and statistics”


a)      Idealism

b)      Empricism

c)      Extentialism

d)      Rationalism



12.  When we mean that reason is a primary source of knowledge, the style of thinking is named as


a)      Empricism

b)      Rationalism

c)      Idealism

d)      Extentialism



13.  All students studying in Skyline College are having bright future.  Abdul Rahman is a student of Skyline College. Abdul Rahman has a bright future. This type of argument is called as


a)      Introduction

b)      Induction

c)      Detective

d)      Deduction



14.  In deduction, the conclusion must necessarily follow from the reasons given. In inductive argument there is no such strength of relationship between reasons and conclusions.


a)      True

b)      False



15.  “Conclusions must necessarily follow from the premises.” Identify the type of arguments that follows the above condition.


a)      Induction

b)      Combination of Induction and Deduction

c)      Deduction

d)      Variables



16.  Eminent scientists who claim there is no such thing as the scientific method, or if exists, it is not reveled by what they write, caution researchers about using template like approaches


a)      True

b)      False



17.  One of the terms given below is defined as “a bundle of meanings or characteristics associated with certain events, objects, conditions, situations, and the like


a)      Construct

b)      Definition

c)      Concept

d)      Variable



18.  This is an idea or image specifically invented for a given research and/or theory building purpose


a)      Concept

b)      Construct

c)      Definition

d)      Variables



19.  The following are the synonyms for independent variable except


a)      Stimulus

b)      Manipulated

c)      Consequence

d)      Presumed Cause



20.  The following are the synonyms for dependent variable except


a)      Presumed effect

b)      Measured Outcome

c)      Response

d)      Predicted from…




21.  In the research process, a management dilemma triggers the need for a decision.


a)      True

b)      False



22.  In the research process, the management question has the following critical activity in sequence.


a)      Origin, selection, statement, exploration and refinement

b)      Origin, statement, selection, exploration and refinement

c)      Origin, exploration, selection, refinement, and statement

d)      Origin, exploration, refinement, selection and statement



23.  Every research proposal, regardless of length should include two basic sections. They are:


a)      Research question and research methodology

b)      Research proposal and bibliography

c)      Research method and schedule

d)      Research question and bibliography



24.  The purpose of the research proposal is:


a)      To generate monetary sources for the organization

b)      To present management question to be researched and its importance

c)      To discuss the research efforts of others who have worked on related management question.

d)      Choice a) is incorrect



25.  A proposal is also known as a:


a)      Work plan

b)      Prospectus

c)      Outline

d)      Draft plan

e)      All of the above



26.  Non response error occurs when you cannot locate the person or could not encourage the respondent to participate in answering.


a.)    True

b.)    False



27.  Secondary data can almost always be obtained more quickly and at a lower cost than __________data.


a.)    Tertiary

b.)    Collective

c.)    Research

d.)    Primary



28.  The purpose of __________________ research is to help in the process of developing a clear and precise statement of the research problem rather than in providing a definitive answer.


a.)    Marketing

b.)    Causal

c.)    Exploratory

d.)    Descriptive



29.  A systematic, controlled, empirical, and critical investigation of natural phenomena guided by theory and hypothesis is called _____________


a.)    Applied Research

b.)    Basic Research

c.)    Scientific Research

d.)    None Of The Above



30.   __________________ is the determination of the plan for conducting the research and as such it involves the specification of approaches and procedures..


a.)    Strategy

b.)    Research Design

c.)    Hypothesis

d.)    Deductive




31.  If the researcher is concerned with finding out who, what where, when, or how much, then the study is __________.


a)      Exploratory

b)      Descriptive

c)      Empirical

d)      Causal

e)      Casual



32.  If the study is carried out once and represent a snapshot of one point in time, then the study is ___________


a)      Time related study

b)      Longitudinal study

c)      Cross sectional study

d)      Case studies



33.  If the study is repeated over an extended period, then the study is called as ___________


a)      Cross sectional study

b)      Descriptive study

c)      Time series analysis/study

d)      Longitudinal study



34.  When we try to explain the relationships among variables, the study is called


a)      Exploratory study

b)      Longitudinal study

c)      Causal study

d)      Cross sectional study



35.  Through_______researchers develop concepts more clearly, establish priorities, develop operational definitions, and improve the final research design


a)      Data collection

b)      Exploration

c)      Description

d)      Definition



36.  Exploratory investigation of management question adapts the following approaches except


a)      Films, photographs, and videotape

b)      In-depth interviewing

c)      Document analysis

d)      Street ethnography

e)      Survey method



37.  If we consider the possible relationships that can occur between two variables, we can conclude that there are three possibilities. The following are the possible except:


a)      Property-behavior relationships

b)      Reciprocal relationship

c)      Symmetrical

d)      Asymmetrical



38.  Some major descriptors of research design are the following except:


a)      Descriptive and causal

b)      Cross sectional vs longitudinal

c)      Exploratory vs formalized

d)      Observational vs interrogation/communication

e)      Honorary vs beneficial



39.  A research design is the strategy for a study and the plan by which the strategy is to be carried out


a)      True

b)      False



40.  We test causal hypothesis by seeking to do three things. Those are the following except:


a)      Measure the co-variation among variables

b)      Ignoring the relationships of one variable with the other

c)      Determine the time order relationships among variables

d)      Ensure that other factors do not confound the exploratory relationships



41.  The procedure by which we assign numbers to opinions, attitudes, and other concepts is called ________________


a.)    Scaling

b.)    Measurement

c.)    Sampling

d.)    Data Collection



42.  ____________________ presents a problem, discusses related research efforts, outlines the data needed for solving the data and shows the design used to gather and analyze the data.


a.)    Research Question

b.)    Research Proposal

c.)    Research Design

d.)    Research Methodology



43.  “Number of cars in a parking lot”, “Number of students in a class” are examples of :


a.)    Dichotomous variable.

b.)    Discrete variable.

c.)    Continuous variable.

d.)    None of the above.



44.  The introduction of the new models of Nokia mobile will lead to a decrease in the sales of Siemens mobiles”. In this statement :


a.)    The introduction of the new models of Nokia mobile,  is the independent variable, and the decrease in the sales of siemens mobiles is the dependent variable.

b.)    The introduction of the new models of Nokia mobile, is the dependent ariable, and the decrease in the sales of siemens mobiles is the independent variable.

c.)    There are no independent or dependent variables.

d.)    None of the above.



45.  Exploratory research design includes:


a.)    Secondary Data Analysis.

b.)    The who, what, when, where, and how of a topic.

c.)    Reciprocal Relationship.

d.)    Asymmetrical Relationship.



46.  In Systematic sampling:


a.)    The population is divided into groups, and some groups are randomly selected for study.

b.)    Every nth item is chosen in the sample, beginning with a random start for the choice of n

c.)    The population is divided into subpopulations.

d.)    None of the above



47.  A set of systematically interrelated concepts, definitions and propositions that are advanced to explain and predict phenomena is called


a.)    Research

b.)    Model

c.)    Theory

d.)    None of the above



48.  The process by which the sample is constructed to include all elements from each of the segments is called:


a)      Systematic sampling

b)      Cluster sampling

c)      Double sampling

d)      Stratified random sampling



49.  Which of these is not a characteristic of a good research?


a)      Purpose clearly defined

b)      Limitations frankly revealed

c)      Research design thoroughly planned

d)      Findings presented ambiguously.



50.  ________ is a bundle of meanings or characteristics associated with certain events, objects.


a)      Concept

b)      Construct

c)      Variables

d)      Moderating variables



51.  Which of these is not a exploratory research design.


a)      Secondary data analysis

b)      Experience survey

c)      Focus group

d)      Reporting



52.  ___________ exists when two variables mutually influence or reinforce each other.


a)      Reciprocal relationship

b)      Symmetrical relationship

c)      Asymmetrical relationship

d)      Causal relationship



53.  In _________ , each sample has equal and known chance of selection.


a)      Simple random sampling

b)      Cluster sampling

c)      Stratified sampling

d)      Snowball sampling



54.  Data that is created, recorded or generated by an entity other than the researcher's organisation is collectively called


a)      Primary data

b)      Secondary data

c)      Internal data

d)      External data



55.  Total survey error can be broadly divided into random sampling error and


a)      Non-random sampling error

b)      Schematic error

c)      Systematic error

d)      Administrative error



56.  A statistical fluctuation that occurs because of change variation in the elements selected for the sample is called


a)      Random sampling error

b)      Systematic error

c)      Administrative error

d)      Error of judgment



57.  When the results of a sample show a persistent tendency to deviate in one direction from the true value of the population parameter, it is a case of


a)      Interviewer bias

b)      Respondent bias

c)      Sample bias

d)      None of the above



58.  A bias that occurs when respondents tend to answer questions with a certain slant that consciously or uncounsciously misrepresents the truth is called


a)      Respondent bias

b)      Non response bias

c)      Response bias

d)      Non response bias



59.  The category of response bias that results because some individuals tend to agree with all questions or to concur with a particular position is called


a)      Auspices bias

b)      Social desirability bias

c)      Extremity bias

d)      Acquiescence bias



60.  One of the best survey methods that can be used for all research situations is the e-mail questionnaire surveys


a)      True

b)      False



61.  A critical review of the information, pertaining to the research study, already available in various sources is called


a)      Research review

b)      Research design

c)      Data  review

d)      Literature review



62.  When planning your literature search you need to:


a)      Have clearly defined research questions and objectives

b)      Define the parameters of your search

c)      Generate key words and search terms

d)      All the above




63.  The first step in the research process is the:


a)      Development of the research plan

b)      Survey of stakeholders to determine if problems exist

c)      Collection of the available sources for needed information

d)      Definition of the problem and research objectives



64.  Sue Smith, president of the local APICS chapter, had

difficulty getting members to assist in running the organization. 

She felt it was because of lack of commitment to APICS.  Her

vice-president believed it was due to having too many meetings. 

The organization’s secretary thought it was because there were

several other professional organizations to which the members

also belonged.  If Sue wants to do research to determine the

real reason why members are not active in the organization, she

should begin by:


a)      Determining the optimum number of meetings

b)      Evaluating the advantages APICS offers over other similar organizations

c)      Defining the problem

d)      Developing the marketing research plan that she would employ

e)      Holding focus groups with members of similar organizations to determine whether the problems APICS is facing are universal or local



65.  After working for a plumbing contractor for several years, Ken Crowe finally established his own plumbing shop.  Unfortunately, Crowe's first six months have been disappointing. Crowe decided to conduct a marketing research study to gather preliminary data to shed light on the nature of the problem and suggest some new ideas. He needs to conduct _____ research.


a)      Exploratory

b)      Causal

c)      Secondary

d)      Descriptive

e)      Observational



66.  Until recently Canadian condo developers operated under the philosophy, “Build it and they will buy.”  Then, Stan Kates launched the Preferred Home Buyer Alliance.  He is in the process of creating a database of new homebuyers and prospective homebuyers in Ontario who provide his organization with information about what they want and don’t want in their homes.  A builder can contract with Kates and find out, for example, if homebuyers with small children prefer track lighting or two sinks in the master bedroom.  The database also has information on homebuyer’s favorite restaurants and hobbies.  One way Kates collects this data is through a gathering of six to ten new and prospective homebuyers who are invited to talk about their ideal home.  Kates uses _____ research.


a)      Focus-group

b)      Experiential

c)      Observational

d)      Causal

e)      Behavioral




67.  The manufacturer of Brother sewing machines wants to know the effect rebates have on sales.  It plans on dividing its retailers into three regions.  One group will offer consumers who buy a Brother sewing machine a $25 cash rebate.  One will offer buyers of the machine $50 worth of “free” machine accessory parts.  A third region will offer buyers a $40 store credit.  The results of this market research will provide Brother with _____________ data.


a)      Observational

b)      Survey

c)      Secondary

d)      Experimental

e)      Descriptive



68.  Respondents are asked to rate an attitude object on a number of multiple-point rating scales bounded at each end by one of two bipolar adjectives or phrases. This type of question is called:


a)      Dichotomous

b)      A semantic differential

c)      Multiple choice

d)      Rating scale

e)      A likert scale



69.  If the guests at Bayside Resort were asked to rate their night’s sleep on a scale with the following ratings: excellent, very good, good, fair, poor, the resort would be using a(n) _____ to gather primary data.


a)      Semantic differential

b)      Importance scale

c)      Rating scale

d)      Dichotomous question

e)      Likert scale



70.  The question, “What is your opinion on the safety of American highways?” is an example of a _____ question.


a)      Completely unstructured

b)      Thematic

c)      Dichotomous

d)      Semantic differential

e)      Rating



71.  The contact method that minimizes interviewer bias is:


a)      Mail

b)      Telephone

c)      Intercept interview

d)      Focus group

e)      Personal interview



72.  If time is of the essence for a research project, the preferred contact method is:


a)      Mail

b)      Telephone

c)      Intercept interview

d)      Personal interview

e)      Focus group



73.  The best contact method to use to quickly determine how many people saw the commercial for the new Volkswagen Beetle that ran last night during the television show Friends would be:


a)      Mail

b)      Internet

c)      Telephone

d)      Focus group

e)      Personal interview



74.  If flexibility is the most important criterion for a research project, the preferred contact method is:


a)      Intercept interview

b)      Telephone

c)      Focus group

d)      Personal interview

e)      Mail



75.  Personal interviewing takes two forms.  They are:


a)      Arranged interview and intercept interview

b)      Depth interview and simple interview

c)      Online interview and offline interview

d)      Focus-group interview and individual interview

e)      Adaptive interview and static interview



76.  Research is an expensive, sophisticated process that is often beyond the reach of small businesses with their limited budgets.


a)      True

b)      False



77.  Primary data are generally available more quickly and at a lower cost than secondary data.


a)      True

b)      False




78.  A producer of herb mixes that wants to explore adding new products should use close-ended questions in interviews with a sampling of its current customers.


a)      True

b)      False



79.  Students surveyed were asked the following question:  "I would support a company that provides my school with scholarships. "


                        Strongly Agree           


                        Neither Agree Nor Disagree     


                        Strongly Disagree 


                        This survey used a(n):


a)      Semantic differential

b)      Thematic apperception test

c)      Importance scale

d)      Open-ended question

e)      Likert scale




80.  A variable that is contingent on, or restricted to, one value or a set of values assumed by the independent variable is called


a)      Independent variable

b)      Dependent variable

c)      Experimental variable



81.  Personal interviewing of a certain percentage of individuals who pass by certain points in a shopping center is also known as


a)      On-site interviewing

b)      Focus group interviewing

c)      In-home interviewing

d)      Intercept interviews



82.  A researcher wants to study the characteristics of people who are heavy users of film (purchase more than 12 rolls per year). This group is referred to as the:


a)      Sample

b)      Census

c)      Population

d)      None of the above



83.  Kellogg seeks to determine consumer believability towards it's products' health claims. The most appropriate technique for this purpose is


a)      Observation

b)      Survey

c)      Experimentation

d)      Simulation




84.  Which data collection techniques cannot study attitudes?


a)      Observation

b)      Mail survey

c)      Semantic differential

d)      Multidimensional scaling




85.  Which type of sampling uses whoever seems to be available


a)      Stratified sampling

b)      Area sampling

c)      Quota sampling

d)      Convenience sampling



86.  _______________ sampling is especially useful when you are trying to reach population that are inaccessible or hard to find.


a)      Convenience sampling

b)      Quota sampling

c)      Snowball sampling

d)      All of the above



87.  If population = 100, sample size = 20, interval size = 5, and randomly selected number from 1 to 5 is 4, then for choosing a systematic random sample, the first unit 4 will be followed by


a)      5

b)      9

c)      24

d)      14



88.  The quality of a research to produce almost identical results in successive repeated trials reflects it's


a)      Reliability

b)      Validity

c)      Accuracy



89.  An easy reference about the sources of the data through which the research has been compiled is provided by the


a)      Footnotes

b)      Executive summary

c)      Introduction

d)      Bibliography



90.  What should a market researcher do once he or she has defined the problem and the research objectives?


a)      Collect the information

b)      Budget for information collection

c)      Develop the research plan

d)      Sample the population

e)      Develop a survey instrument



91.  A survey asked questions like, “Are you currently married?”, “Do you have a favorite TV show?”, “Do you go to the grocery store at least once a week?”, and “Do you own a car?”  What type of close-ended questions did this survey have?


a)      A Likert scale

b)      Semantic approval

c)      Experiential

d)      Dichotomous

e)      Dual answer



92.  For answering questions about sensitive issues such as age, it is ideal to use


a)      response brackets

b)      response technique

c)      hypothetical projective brackets

d)      none of the above



93.  The group on which the researcher wants to generalize the results of his study is called the


a)      sampling frame

b)      study population

c)      theoretical population

d)      sample



94.  Which of these is a precisely-defined issue (problem) definition?


a)      why are current sales so poor?

b)      Will additional advertising have a positive impact on sales

c)      Are we in compliance with current local pricing legislation

d)      What per cent of adults recall an ad two days after it appeared?



95.  A base document for research purposes, providing the questions and structure for an interview or self-completion and providing space for respondents answers is more popularly known as a


a)      questionnaire

b)      scaling

c)      tests

d)      none of the above



96.  Rosco Publishing Company sells books to college students on test-taking skills, motivation, relationship management, and ways to deal with stress.  Its wants to use a probability sampling method that will ensure the percentage of freshmen, sophomores, juniors, seniors, and graduate students in the sample reflect the percentage on the college campus.  What is the best sampling method for the publisher to use?


a)      simple random sample

b)      stratified random sample

c)      quota sample

d)      judgment sample



97.  The basic idea of sampling is that by _______________ some of the elements in a population, we may draw conclusions about the entire population.


a.)    clustering

b.)    selecting

c.)    commenting

d.)    tabulating




98.  The inclusion of open-ended questions on many questionnaire means that a significant amount of ________________ data is also collected.


a.)    secondary

b.)    quantitative

c.)    qualitative

d.)    primary



99.  Dividing population into subpopulations (strata) and using simple random on each strata is called _____________________ sampling.


a.)    stratified

b.)    systematic

c.)    cluster

d.)    judgement




100.          in depth interviews are exactly as the name suggests and use an interview schedule rather than a formal questionnaire as the basic __________ collection instrument



a)      data

b)      number

c)      information

d)      none of the above


101.          an appropriate adage might be, "a problem well defined is a problem half solved.," an orderly definition of the research problem gives a sense of ____________ to the investigation


a)      direction

b)      seriousness






102.          The effective use of information requires a thorough understanding of the ___________ of information available and how the information is gathered

a)      Mode

b)      Plan

c)      Types

d)      None of the above


103.          the research design process involves identifying a __________ problem or opportunity, translating that problem or opportunity into a research process, and collecting, analyzing, communicating and disseminating the information resulting from the research activity.


a)      Communication

b)      Marketing

c)      Management

d)      Information



105 the major ______________ in data storage and data retrieval system means that there has been and contuinues to be a rapid growth in terms of secondary data sources

a)      Expense

b)      Addition

c)      Explosion

d)      Function


104.          A


105.          it is also important to avoid asking embarrassing and _______ questions

a)      personnel

b)      private

c)      personal

d)      stupid


106.          a significant proportion of the marketing research approaches is based on _________ constructs from the social sciences and systems thinking

a)      practical

b)      effective

c)      theoretical

d)      none of the above


107.          the key objective of any training activity is to ensure that the data collection instrument will be administered by all interviewers in a uniform and ____________ manner

a)      fashionable

b)      smart

c)      consistent

d)      inconsistent


108.          the conversion of the raw data into information means that the data needs to be ___________ and coded so that it can be transferred onto a computer or other data storage media

a)      edited

b)      audited

c)      amalgamated

d)      converted


109.          the major disadvantage with in depth interviews is that because of their time consuming nature it is usually only possible to carry out a relatively small number of such interviews and as such the results are likely to be highly ____________

a)      subjective

b)      objective

c)      questionable

d)      objectionable







110.          A population is the total collection of elements about which we wish to make some __________

a)      Census

b)      Inferences

c)      Demographic

d)      None of the above


111.          students surveyed were asked the following questions: "which cereals have you seen advertised within the last three months?" The survey used a(n):

a)      semantic differential

b)      thematic apperception test

c)      importance scale

d)      open ended question

e)      likert scale


112.          which is not an element of a good sample

a)      precision

b)      accuracy

c)      representation

d)      large sample


113.          the process of uncovering the nature and boundaries of a negative or positive situation or question is called

a)      research design

b)      research process

c)      data collection process

d)      problem definition


114.          __________ bias is caused by the respondents being influenced by the organization conducting the study

a)      auspices bias

b)      social desirability bias

c)      extremity bias

d)      acquiescence bias


115.          once obtained there is no need to evaluate the relevance of the literature to your research question and objectives

a)      true

b)      false


116.          usually, syndicated data services can provide consumer panel data at a much lower cost that if a company carried on it's own panel operations

a)      true

b)      false


117.          which of the following types of causal research projects would a company that publishes custom cookbooks used for fundraisers by churches, colleges, and civic groups choose?

a)      A study to determine the types of fundraising most commonly use by church groups

b)      A survey of previous customers to see if they are interested in a new edition

c)      A study determining if more people buy the custom cookbook when the cover has a picture relating to the group selling it, rather than if it has just a generic cover.

d)      A study to determine the price range for an average sized cookbook

e)      An industrial study of what similar publishing companies are doing to better serve their customers


118.          which of the following is an example of primary data that would be used by the Ashton - Drake Galleries to determine the popularity of it's precious moments doll series?

a)      Input from a focus group that was put together specifically to discuss their perception of the popularity of the doll series

b)      An article about the precious moments doll in a recent issue of Crafts magazine

c)      Sales records for collectible dolls gathered by the industry's trade council

d)      A survey that noted that dolls are the most often collected item by women between the ages of 40 and 60

e)      Data from the sales records kept by the exclusive dealers of the precious moments dolls



119.          how would delta, a manufacturer of acrylic paints  used in arts and crafts, use observational research to gather primary data?

a)      By surveying current users to find out the ways the paint could be removed

b)      By watching how members of a class learn to paint mailboxes using the paint

c)      By asking users of other brands of paint to list the most important attributes for acrylic paint


120.          you would expect the following question to be used in a ____________ interview: "if you were a pickle, what kind of pickle would you be?

a)      Focus group

b)      Depth

c)      Prototyping

d)      Behavioral



121.          which is typically the most expensive step of marketing research process

a)      problem definition

b)      developing the research plan

c)      information collection

d)      information analysis

e)      questionnaire design


122.          which step in the marketing research process is generally considered to be the most prone to error?

a)      Problem definition

b)      Sample framing

c)      Questionnaire design

d)      Data collection

e)      Data analysis


123.          inspite of the rapid growth of research, many companies still fail to use it sufficiently or correctly. Which of the following describes a reason for this failure

a)      a narrow conception of marketing research

b)      uneven caliber of researchers

c)      poor framing of problems

d)      personality and presentational differences

e)      all of the above


124.          a semantic differential scale takes a form such as "united airline food service is __________ excellent ________very good _________good _______fair _______poor"

a)      true

b)      false


125.          data collection that focuses on providing an accurate description of the variables in a situation forms the basis of which type of study

a)       exploratory study

b)      descriptive study

c)      causal study


126.          organizations that collect general information and sell it to clients are called

a)      data providers

b)      syndicated data services

c)      indicated data services

d)      dedicated data services



127.          the quality of a research to produce almost identical results in successive repeated trials reflects its:

a)      reliability

b)      validity

c)      accuracy



128.          a condition that exists when an instruments measures what it is supposed to measure is called

a)      validity

b)      accuracy

c)      reliability



129.          a “real world” environment in which experiments take place is also referred to as

a)      field settings

b)      field trips

c)      field

d)      field research

e)      accuracy


130.          experiments in which households log their weekly purchases and consumption patterns are known as

a)      home placements

b)      diary test

c)      experiments

d)      causal studies


131.          a sampling method in which the final choice of respondent is left to the interviewers who base their choices on one or more variables such as age, nationality, education etc is called

a)      area sampling

b)      stratified sampling

c)      random sampling

d)      quota sampling

132.          which of these is a precisely defined problem definition

a)      why are current sales so poor

b)      will additional advertising have a positive impact on sales

c)      are we in compliance with current local pricing legislation

d)      what per cent of adults recall an ad two days after it appeared


133.          reactions of customers to current products, customer preferences, and a record of past purchases can most often be obtained from

a)      profit and loss statement

b)      inventory records

c)      salespeople call reports

d)      customer billings


134.          in the data analysis stage of marketing research, forms are

a)      coded and analyzed

b)      coded, tabulated and analyzed

c)      tabulated and analyzed

d)      analyzed



135.          which of these statements about data collection is correct

a)      a firm should approach data collection as an ongoing activity

b)      a firm needs a computer to successfully implement collection and retrieval of information

c)      research projects should always include sampling

d)      a firm should not spend on research


136.          Imagine your college is in the process of measuring student satisfaction with the college’s cafeteria. The college is concerned about the objectivity of the research process. Which of the following strategies best illustrates objectivity.

a)      Developing the survey instrument on the basis of the researcher’s preconceptions of the cafeteria

b)      Asking students in a personal survey “why do you like the cafeteria?” and  reminding students that the cafeteria food is healthier than the offerings of the nearby fast food restaurants

c)      Mailing the questionnaire to a random sample of all students

d)      Using a personal survey directed to students who purchased a meal card


137.          according to the marketing director of a frozen food marketer, “we need to determine why our coupon redemption rate dropped from 20 % last month to 5 % this month.” This statement outlines the firm’s

a)      research design

b)      issue (problem ) definition

c)      secondary data needs

d)      primary data needs



138.          for questions which the respondents are not likely to answer truthfully, it is ideal to use which technique

a)      response technique

b)      hidden response technique

c)      hypothetical projective respondent

d)      response brackets


139.          the question “what kind of headache remedy do you use? Is free of any errors?

a)      True

b)      False


140.          the advantage of __________________ can be even more significant if the responses are being entered directly on to a computer via a process of “computer aided telephone interviewing” (CATI)

a)      fast

b)      sample

c)      speed

d)      mad cow


141.          random sampling error is the difference between the sample _________and the results of a complete survey of the total population using exactly the same procedures

a)      population

b)      observation

c)      result

d)      sample


142.          both stratified and quota sampling have the ______________ objective, the approaches should not be confused

a)      different

b)      objection

c)      same

d)      deterrent



143.          in the absence of more information to determine a sample size on the basis of sound statistical principles, at every point the researcher must attempt to ____________- sources of error

a)      maximize

b)      minimize

c)      reject

d)      accept


144.          the depth or in-depth interview is an unstructured __________ in which the interviewee is encouraged to talk extensively

a)      interview

b)      interviewer

c)      man

d)      woman


145.          in general terms, properly conducted, face to face interviews tend to be an effective ______ to data collection even if they are a little costly

a)      approach

b)      complimentary

c)      selective

d)      effective



146.          the quality of the data will be influenced by the relative efficiency of the questionnaire as a recording schedule. _________________, incomplete coding and misunderstanding of questions and answers all arise from poor lay out and a badly formulated questionnaire

a)      coding

b)      coating

c)      mid coating

d)      miscoding


147.          in designing the questionnaire it is important to remember that the survey researcher is ________ person who has to use the questionnaire

a)      not the only

b)      the only

c)      only

d)      the


148.          closed ended questions are used when the majority of answers are known and appropriate _____________ responses can be presented

a)      functional

b)      formatted

c)      post coded

d)      pre coded