Topic 1:
Chapter 1 in Text Book
Pages: 6 -18
Key topics in this chapter :
Ñ What is Management
Ñ Definitions of Management
Ñ Nature of Management
Ñ The Management Process
Ñ Levels of Management
Ñ Managerial Skills
What is Management
Take a close look at the word MANAGEMENT and you will see that it actually includes the following:
MANAGE MEN T actfully
Thus we can see that management deals with people. It is the art of getting things done through people.
Definitions of Management
Management is knowing exactly what you want people to do and then seeing that they do it in the best and cheapest way. - F.W. Taylor
"Management is guiding human and physical resources into dynamic organization units which attain their objective to the satisfaction of those served and with a high degree of morale and sense of attainment in the part of those rendering the services." - American Management Association.
The people responsible for directing the efforts aimed at helping organizations achieve their goals are called Managers.
Nature of Management
· Management is a purposive activity, it has a goal as it aims to achieve the specific objectives of an organization.
· Management centers around integrating human effort with physical and financial resources, such as machinery, building, financial assets etc.
· Management continues throughout the lifetime of an organization.
· Management is relevant for all types of organizations - clubs, universities, hospitals, businesses etc.
· Management involves the use of 'group efforts' to reach the predetermined goals.
· Management is concerned with constantly researching, collecting information and using the information to take various decisions .
The Management Process
Management is the process of creating the internal environment of an enterprise where individuals working together involve in planning, organizing, leading, and controlling the activities effectively and efficiently towards the attainment of the group goals.
Planning is the process of establishing goals and a suitable course of action for achieving those goals.
Organizing is the process of engaging two or more people in working together in a structured way to achieve a specific goal or set of goals.
Leading is the process of directing and influencing the task-related activities of group members and involves motivating them to perform essential tasks and reach goals.
Controlling is the process of ensuring that actual activities conform to the planned activities.
Inorder to ensure the smooth flow of the management process in any organisation, it is necessary to see that there is a good amount of Co-ordination between the various functions.
Levels of Management
Top Level Management : CEO, Board of directors and other departmental heads - they frame the overall policies and provide leadership to the whole organization.
Middle Level Management: departmental managers (finance manager, marketing manager etc) - links the top management with the supervisory level, interprets the decisions of the top management and directs the lower levels of management about various activities of their department.
Lower / Operative / Supervisory Level Management: includes section officer, supervisor, foreman etc. they assist and advice workers to perform the work efficiently and effectively and report problems to higher management levels
Efficiency - the ability to minimize the use of resources in achieving organizational objectives. "doing things right"
Effectiveness - the ability to determine the appropriate objectives "doing the right thing"
Managerial Skills
Inorder to develop as competent managers it is highly essential that managers possess a range of skills and qualities. Some of them are as follows:
· A visionary approach and the ability to lead others toward that vision.
· Technical skills that help in being up-to-date with the various quantitative techniques of management
· Ability to interpret and analyze information in a critical manner.
· Ability to create a good impression and modify personal behavior.
· Good communication skills- written, oral and non-verbal.
· The tolerance to perform in ambiguous and stressful situations.
· A genuine consideration for the business ethics.
· An understanding of the complexities of multi-cultural management.
· The ability to evaluate oneself realistically.
Test Your Knowledge
& Management is the art of getting things done through others (True or False)
& Management is knowing exactly what you want people to do and then seeing that they do it in the best and cheapest way. (Identify the author)
& The people responsible for directing the efforts aimed at achieving organisational goals are called __________
& Management is relevant for all types of organisations (True or False)
& Management does not involve the use of group efforts to achieve goals (True or False)
& ________ is the process of establishing goals and the means to achieve the goals.
& _________ is the process of arranging work, authority and resources among an organization's members to achieve goals.
& _________ is the process of influencing the activities of employees
& Controlling is the process of ensuring that actual activities conform to the planned activities (True or False)
& It is essential to see that there is ___________ between the various management processes.
& The three levels of management are ________, _________ and ___________.
& Doing things right in other words is ____________
& Doing the right thing in other words is ____________
& Inorder to develop as competent managers, it is not essential that they develop a range of skills and qualities. (True or False)
& _________ skills indicates the ability to use the procedures, techniques and knowledge of a specialized field.